Hi, I'm Kevin! 👋

I'm a software developer. What do I work on?

Right now I'm working as a software engineer at Liquidaty where I'm building a comprehensive platform for data automation and processing.

In previous lives I've interned as a software developer at Vidyard and Opencare. With extensive product-led engineering experience, I specialize in creating intuitive and pleasant user experiences.

Some of the languages and frameworks I've used include JavaScript, React, Next, Vue, Ruby on Rails, and Express. I'm also familiar with accessibility, E2E testing using Cypress, and working on CI/CD pipelines. I love learning and using new technologies to solve whatever problem is at hand.

During my spare time I like to play video games, watch films, and practice bass guitar. I also play ultimate frisbee and volleyball when I get the chance.

Feel free to reach out to say hi or click here for my resume!